Monday, May 24, 2010

a gift

"A gift is only a gift when you give someone what the person wants."
-Aborigine doctrine

Sunday, May 23, 2010

at kung fu

"The more sweat in peace the less blood in war."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

a word from the natives

"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
-American Chief Seattle

"The only way to pass any test is to take the test. It is inevitable."
-Elder Regal Black Swan

granada granahda

Doorknob in Granada. Hand holding what looks like an apple, but is actually the granada a.k.a. pomegranate.

mexico i miss you so

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mrs. McQuote Quote

"We have all heard people describe other people, in a derogatory way, as being 'full of imagination.' The fact is that if you are not full of imagination, you are not very sane."
-Buckmister Fuller

i love bollywood

This guy is amazing.

river surfer

This dude is surfing the Lochsa River in Idaho. No you da hoe. Why, cause I like daboysee? (Deboise)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

pweetty poem

When geometric diagrams and digits
Are no longer the keys to living things,
When people who go about singing or kissing
Know deeper things than the great scholars,
And when light and darkness mate
Once more and make something entirely transparent,
And people see in poems and fairy tales
The true history of the world,
Then our entire twisted nature will turn
And run when a single secret word is spoken.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the dirty mastodon

In 1806, the French naturalist Georges Cuvier named the animal mastodon which means "nipple tooth," because he thought its teeth resembled a woman's breasts.
-From Taylor Morrison's The Great Unknown

ah, phuket

Quotey McQuote Quote

"Straight lines are axiomatically self-contradictory and self-cancelling hypothetical ventures."
-Buckminster Fuller

Monday, May 17, 2010


lil' convo

-Haha, miss you. I'm going to see you in almost a week :)

-I know! So soon so soon so soon!!!!

-So spoon!!!
I mean sooon!!

-Hehehe. Spoon!

-Haha soon we can spoon!!!

-Spoon we can soon!


"no nukes! no nukes!"

name that movie :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ye Ole Primordial Soup

Ye ole primordial soup,

Was just a bunch of goop,

Teeny acids, tiny m’crobes,

Sporting peptide suits and RNA robes.

They got to chatting and gulping the salts,

Of electrolyte cocktails and chromosome malts,

“Looky here”, they declared, “let’s form a new band,

We’re tired of swimming, let’s get up on land!”

But to do so meant a bit more multiplying,

From aminos to proteins that wouldn’t be dying,

“Cell integrity,” they spoke, “is what we’re about,

We expect to still be here through chaos and clout.”

They bonded and forged a trusty metabolism

Chose to replicate through mitosis schism,

Designed a large freeway for healthy circulation

Made thee fine fractal a daily libation.

More and more they upted ye ole monomer,

Until finally they said, “Let’s get outta here!”

Their well built legs, though short and stout,

Were amazingly adept to get them about.

Little by little, and certainly small,

Protenoids built creatures a couple feet tall,

They just couldn’t stop and didn’t want to decay,

Because according to nature, there’s no other way.

Complexity reigned and as soon as goop could,

It formed seashells and man, donkeys and wood,

Ladybugs, dinosaurs, carnivorous plants,

All pirouetting in a primordial dance.

Hence, it’s no surprise that hidden inside

Our lovely soft dermis and faces wide-eyed,

Lies a big ocean full of acids and code,

Trying to factor the next living mode.
